Monday, June 20, 2011

HIIT You Are The Devil

Alright, alright, I finally bit the friggin bullet and forced myself to do some HIIT intervals on the treadmill today. Guess what? I hated every second of it just as much as I anticipated I would. Guess what else? I think that means it was working. Let's back it up by saying I'm subscribed to Oxygen magazine, I wait for Muscle & Fitness Hers with anticipation every other month, I peruse Women's Health and Shape and I read fitness-related blogs and web sites every damn day. I know what HIIT is. I hear about all the benefits it reaps a gal. I hear how it's less time, more benefit. I hear how it breaks plateaus. In short, I know it's all the rage and evidently it's really good for your fitness regimen. True story: I've been avoiding it like the plague. Why? I have no idea other than maybe I wasn't really up for the challenge of going at "100%." What the hell does 100% even look or feel like?

I work out six days a week and even still I was hesitant. Enough bitching. I did it today, I'm going to keep it in my workout regimen three days a week and see where we get.

  • 5 mins warm-up, jogging on treadmill at 6.2 speed
  • 3 intervals: 15 seconds at 100% PRE (perceived rate of exertion) followed by 45-60 seconds recovery at 6.2 speed (about 60% PRE)
    • I repeated this same set of 3 intervals after each set of upper body strength training for a total of 12 intervals, 15 seconds at 100% PRE followed by 45-60 seconds recovery at 6.2 speed
  • Upper body strength training:
    • Bench Press: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, heavy
    • Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, heavy
    • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, heavy
    • Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, heavy
    • Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, heavy
So it basically went like this: warmup, 3 HIIT intervals, one set of upper body exercises, 3 HIIT intervals, set two of upper body exercises, 3 HIIT intervals, set three of upper body exercises. All in all, I spent about an hour and ten minutes in the gym, and when checking my mood upon entering the gym I described it as "distracted." Despite that distracted mood, I had an awesome workout and enjoyed lifting heavy. Muscles are sexy, and not just on boys.

PS - I want Jamie's arms. You. Go. Girl.
PPS - In case I wasn't clear with the first PS, the girl in this photo is not me. Sigh. Tomorrow we get back in the gym!

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